Following my instincts during 2011, I left my city life in my homeland near the Baltic sea to pursue my children who had a few years earlier embarked on their search for a new life adventure in London.
After only a few months in this wonderful cosmopolitan city my life took completely different direction from that I had envisaged. My journey home from part time job took me from Edgware Road tube station via Oxford Circus to Tottenham in North London. On this particular day a chance subterranean meeting would change the direction of my life. This encounter would take me father North of London where for the last four years I have lived in an extended Victorian cottage in the middle of fields, surrounded by the beautiful English country side where every morning I wake up to different skies, birds singing in the spring and views over green pastures with grazing sheep.
I became aware of stillness and calm with the absence of 24 hours city traffic noise and hear instead the sound of bees in the large pear tree full of blossom adjacent to my bedroom window. The forces and consequences of nature were suddenly all around me influencing my very being. The transition from a city dweller to a country file in this island full of history changed my perception of so many things. This awakening has lead me to launch my new business
Welcome to the world of etude. I hope my thoughts and choices seen on my website inspire the readers of my blog allowing them to share my interest in products from the natural world.
Good luck with your website , hope all goes well .
Regards , Mark.
June 23, 2015
Labas rytas Odeta, musu gyvenime daug dalyku lemia atsitiktinumai, taciau musu namuose, musu darbuose atsispindi kiekvieno is musu tas nematomas vidinis pasaulis, kuri kiekvienas susikuriame ir geriausiai suprantame tik mes patys, perziurejau tavo “etoide” – esu suzaveta, pakereta ir laimingiausia matydama igyvendintas tavo gyvenimo svajones, kurios kazkada galejo atrodyti,kaip neimanoma vizija, labai graziai viskas sudeliota – kiekvienas zodis, kiekviena nuotrauka, kiekvienos prekes pateikimo vieta, esu begaliniai laiminga,kad tu gali taip laisvai, graziai ir laimingai gyventi, buciuoju, dziaugiuosi, linkejimai tavo gerajam zmogui …